Not Art #29: FACT Libs
I have published a new zine. It is called FACT Libs, and it is based on that fun party game where you think of words out of context and then plug them into a story in order to tell a true and accurate story correctly on the first try. As you can see in the picture above, “it’s a lot of fun.“
Making it was a lot of fun too. Writing things, particularly jokes that make me laugh, and doing the layout, drawing that guy on the cover, fighting with the print shop over their bad registration and devil-may-care attitude towards their own shoddy work, even folding and mailing issues to subscribers and people whose addresses I had laying around, it was all a really good time. It may be a touch trite, but creating does feel like the opposite of scrolling.
I happened to read this little pep talk around the time I was working on this, but it pales next to the feeling of actually doing it.
In other zine-related business, I am now serving up back issues in a new Ko-Fi shop here. Subscriptions are still available on Patreon, but it seems like I can make that available through Ko-Fi pretty soon as well.