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Written by Rob Schultz (human).

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#2,375: Cars 3

Alien: Resurrection - ★☆☆☆☆
Ah, now here's a lousy Alien movie! It's kind of fun to see a prototype of the Firefly crew. This whole movie feels like a bootleg copy of an unaired pilot, which is kind of cool to see because it wasn't intended or fully completed for public viewing, except apparently this was released to movie theaters.

Finding Dory - ★★½☆☆
Kind of a Pixar weekend for me. Finding Dory is basically fine (even if the moral seems kind of weird), but I wish some kind of curse, or maybe a hex, had been placed on, let's say John Lasseter, and for fear of being consumed by powerful magic, his company never produced any sequels to their films.

And really, what IS the message of this movie? Disabilities are just in your head? You can overcome them by wishing hard enough? 

Baby Driver - ★★★½☆
I don't know man, I liked it. I thought the beginning was kind of corny, and it's a shame the girl didn't have much to do except be the girl, but there's no doubt it's the movie it wants to be. It's an old movie made with new technology.

Cars 3 - ★★★☆☆
This is a much better, and maybe more human, story of empowerment and achievement for women than Wonder Woman.

Official Gangbusters! Style Note

The only literary work about punctuation I’m aware of is an odd early story by Anton Chekhov called “The Exclamation Mark.” After getting into an argument with a colleague about punctuation, a school inspector named Yefim Perekladin asks his wife what an exclamation point is for. She tells him it signifies delight, indignation, joy and rage. He realizes that in 40 years of writing official reports, he has never had the need to express any of those emotions.
— Geoff Nunberg, "After Years Of Restraint, A Linguist Says 'Yes!' To The Exclamation Point"

I thought the opening of this column was great. It reminded me of this article about the exclamation point from last year. I think the overall tone and intent is to turn you away from an excess of exclamations, but there's something about each article (This quote, or the LIBRARY!) that leaves me convinced that we're doing the right thing over here at Gangbusters!. 


#2,371: Wonder Woman

Alien³ - ★★★☆☆
For years, we called one of our friends "35" because that's how tall he guessed a hundred foot flagpole was. But it was also kind of a reference to '85' in this movie, which had just come out, I think. My point is Alien³(: Director's Cut) was much less bad than I was led to believe. It's a big left turn from the previous entry, but as far as James Cameron followups go, it's way less damaging to the series mythology than Terminator 3.

Plus, three movies in, we had a good time playing 'guess thesynthetic,' which isn't much of a game in the Terminator franchise.

The Big Sick - ★★★½
I thought it was an interesting choice for this movie to be set in the past, but not in the year the actual events took place. Like, Kumail is an Uber driver, and his car has the old Uber logo, so you know it's not NOW, but also Uber wouldn't exist until a few years after they got married.

The supporting cast is great, but Kumail kind of makes the same face for 'touched, deep sadness' as he does for 'flirty and aroused' as he does for 'indignant and frustrated.'

Water & Power: A California Heist - ★★½☆☆
Attended a free screening and learned about just how badly California is being screwed over in the name of ubiquitous pistachios. Like a lot of message docs, it wanders a little bit somewhere in the third quarter, but it's still impressive how impassioned the movie is, given how detached the director seemed to be.

Wonder Woman - ★★★☆☆
It feels like it would be very unpopular to not gush over this, but I thought it was kind of average.

I mean, obviously, we're all grateful they didn't do that "I am no man" thing again, and like any good superhero movie there were some terrific moments, but as a story it's pretty unsatisfying. Like Circle, this is a movie where the main character is just correct about everything from the get go, and so she doesn't learn or grow in any appreciable way. I think the story would have been a lot more powerful if there were no Ares, just... men, and the world turns out to be more complicated than it seemed.

However, if we can't have that ending because all DC movies must end in a fantastic show of light and noise, it would have been really nice if Wonder Woman had triumphed through the application of some skill or lesson or something that we'd seen at any point earlier in the movie, instead of random magic. When all the shrapnel takes off in her direction, I was engaged in the action. I didn't know exactly how she would weather the attack– had we seen evidence that her skin was Superman-tough? But if the solution is just going to be 'she uses brand new powers we didn't know about,' why even bother creating the danger?

Certainly, it seems like there was some other ending originally planned, because I can't believe that moment where Diana forgets her sword and has to be like 'oh, uh, wait here a moment, okay?' to the baddie while she goes back for it was anything but a patch, hilarious though it may be.

More generally, it seems like Marvel has had such a lead on DC that DC should be able to easily spot things that happened in a similar Marvel movie ten years ago and then not do those things. Why does Steve Trevor have to have the Steve Rogers ending to the war movie? For that matter, why is Steve Trevor so useless? I guess it's neat that, unlike Diana, he remembered something he saw earlier in the movie when he wants to give her a boost, but honestly? The four foot of height he gives makes that much difference to her 60-foot vertical? (Which probably should have smushed them when she leapt?) I'd like to see Chris Pine become the Sean Bean of his generation, as long as his characters' deaths in each movie always stem from their own clumsiness and ineptitude.

I'm not sure that the idea that all of the men are ineffectual to highlight Wonder Woman's strength really tracks through the whole movie. Maybe if Dr. Poison (!) had been the villain. Or even if she'd been Ares.

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to the Etta Candy and Sameer spin off movies.


Escape Room Reviews: The Hangover

Special note: I played this one for free, as part of a friend's bringer job interview process.
Company: 60 Out
Room: The Hangover
Date Played: 6/14/17
Player Count: 5, me and 4 mostly-strangers, including some first-timers.
Success:  Success!

Premise: You're in the mob, see? And the big boss is on his way back from the big house, see? And you better figure out where the money ended up after last night's little "party," or you're going to be the next one to sleep with the fishes.

Immersion: As is often the case at 60 Out, the set looks great. Good production design, and very few if any regular locks - the emphasis is on "magical objects," or things that can sense when they're in the correct position. Unfortunately, as is also often the case at 60 Out, a few things were broken or kind of worn out.

Highlights: This game starts strong with a non-linear section that let our group wander away from one another and explore. I like the puzzle structure of solving these puzzles so you can solve that puzzle, as opposed to 'and then, and then, and then.' Makes you feel like you're doing something with intention. The finale is kind of exciting. 

Lowlights: The pace really dropped for us at the midpoint, with a couple of moments that required our GM to chime in to let us know something was correct but finicky. 

And Finally:  The situation which led me to play this room was kind of an odd one - apparently part of the job application process to become a GM is bringing some folks in to play a game? I'm super curious about what they're looking for. The game went smoothly for our group of mostly-newbies, and I thought it was kind of amusing that my experience with previous games led me astray as often as it gave me a boost. As well done as the room is, I don't think it's as innovative or through-and-through great as some of the others 60 Out has on offer, so out of 26 games played, I'm going to call this #14. 

How to book this room yourself: Visit