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Written by Rob Schultz (human).

Filtering by Category: Life

Not Art: Issue 26

If you were a subscriber, you’d already have this issue in your real life actual mailbox! Sign up before issue 27 comes out and you’ll get this one right away.

In issue 26 we meet the Company Town Fire Marshall. I think I originally intended to print this in issue 16 or 17, and for some reason never quite felt like I had the story nailed down.

Batsam Returns!

Well, okay, it’s not always BAT-Sam. Sometimes it’s Spider-Sam, or Kwizatz Twain, or all manner of things. The point is, here are some more episodes of Gabriel Diani’s Mark Twain Today that I have contributed to:

From Mark Twain Twainsplains Loki:

"OnlySAMS" Logo

The blue eyes shot of Mark Twain Twainsplains DUNE:

Mark Twain lookin' like Frank Sinatra on Arrakis

And a classic meme:

mark twain dressed as spider-man and pointing at himself, also dressed as spider-man

There are a lot more to check out. Come for the incisive political commentary wrapped in timely pop culture viewed through the lens of a long-dead satirist, stay for the fantastic costumes, all on the Diani and Devine Youtube Channel