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Written by Rob Schultz (human).

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Batsam Returns!

Well, okay, it’s not always BAT-Sam. Sometimes it’s Spider-Sam, or Kwizatz Twain, or all manner of things. The point is, here are some more episodes of Gabriel Diani’s Mark Twain Today that I have contributed to:

From Mark Twain Twainsplains Loki:

"OnlySAMS" Logo

The blue eyes shot of Mark Twain Twainsplains DUNE:

Mark Twain lookin' like Frank Sinatra on Arrakis

And a classic meme:

mark twain dressed as spider-man and pointing at himself, also dressed as spider-man

There are a lot more to check out. Come for the incisive political commentary wrapped in timely pop culture viewed through the lens of a long-dead satirist, stay for the fantastic costumes, all on the Diani and Devine Youtube Channel