Let’s kickstart this month’s blogging with some more kickstarter projects in review!
221B Baker St - I have a little bit more art than I have the wall space to tastefully display it at the moment. (Lucky me!) I like screen prints of images that I believe are subtle in their geekiness. A beautiful wintery landscape, for instance, with just one little clue that it’s actually about Star Wars. This project was for a not-that-subtle Sherlock Holmes piece by an artist who did some other work I already own. It’s lovely, but it’s mostly just sitting in a tube right now. Alas.
HERTZFELDT ON BLU-RAY - The collected works of Don Hertzfeldt, as seen previously in: a) his touring Animation Show, b) his DVDs, and c) the collections of internet pirates, all on a brand new disc! This was the disc of It’s Such a Beautiful Day and World of Tomorrow, the first films in a new, longer, even sadder direction. All of the old films are ‘bonus features.’ I feel good about supporting this guy and his work. It’s lovely, and it mostly sits on the shelf all day.
Bring Back MST3K - Price is Right rules don’t really work out great on Kickstarter, but I gave this project exactly $1. I didn’t feel like I needed any more MST merch in my apartment, I guess. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted any more MST episodes. Not all of the shows come back to life gracefully, you know? On top of that, I wasn’t totally sure that I wouldn’t end up working on it in some way. I’ve worked with Joel before, and in another weird turn I found that I know the new cast.
In the end, I got a lot of email updates and watched around half of the new season, which probably right about average for me. It wasn’t as weird as I thought it was going to be, or at least, not for the reasons I was expecting. I think the industrialized nature of production on the new season hurt the quality somewhat, but the end product was probably a best-case scenario. It sits around on Netflix all day.