This is the story of how I came to own a fancy pen:
The 8-Bit is not terribly expensive in the world of Expensive Pens, but anyone outside of that world would do a spittake. However, unlike almost every other kinda-pricey-to-amateurs pen I’ve ever held, this one is actually very nice to use. My inexpensive Sharpie S-Gels have taken a backseat since this arrived.
Thank you, Pen Addict!
This came from helping someone animate text similar to the credits of an anime they like.
What I like is They Might Be Giants, so this is Spiraling Shape.
I recorded a time-lapse of the Star Wars binoculars shot from my last post for someone who requested it. The basic, boring answer to ‘how do I do a shot like that?’ is ‘throw a bunch of shape and text layers around.’
This shot is not my design, the requester shared a photo he snapped of his TV. I’m guessing from Rebels?
I’ve been spending too much time this week in Discord servers answering basic After Effects questions and trying out the shots that are giving people trouble.
I just liked the show art for this episode, and remade it while I was listening.