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Written by Rob Schultz (human).

Filtering by Category: Life

#2,121: Ernest & Celestine

Wild Tales - ★★★★☆
I think for my own taste, I would have either trimmed a few minutes from each of the last 3 (of 6) stories, or dropped the one about an accident altogether - that one didn't seem to be built as strongly on a theme of revenge as the others. On the whole though, this is a lot of fun.

Kingsman: The Secret Service - ★★★½☆
Stories about people going to school or training to learn to do something extraordinary are always fun. I liked that we spent very little time on the ins and outs of how to literally do actions, and more time on lessons about how best to apply those actions. Hopefully that's what we get from the inevitable Jedi Academy type movie when they get around to making one. The second half is inherently less fun because it's crammed full of plot instead of exploring this interesting world. And it's missing the movie's most compelling character.

Obvious Child - ★☆☆☆☆
I didn't enjoy this at all. I've been reading about folks liking this for taking a realistic and honest approach to its subject, but for me it was - in the words of a hundred awful open mic'ers - too real. I know the real-world counterparts of this character, and they're the worst.

Ernest & Celestine - ★★★★★
This was so great. It is at times funny, exciting, intriguing, and always beautiful. All throughout I was thinking of who I could tell to go and watch it. I haven't seen Frozen yet, but I can't even imagine how wonderful it must be if Ernest & Celestine was not the best animated feature of last year. 

Of course I kid. You can't win a popularity contest with a movie nobody's seen. But YOU should see it, because it's great. Available at the time of this writing on Prime Instant.