Swingers - ★★★½☆
Such an LA movie. So many little gags that I don't think I'd appreciate without living here. It's probably nonsense, but I felt a little bit of fake nostalgia, or maybe envy, for Mike's computer-free lifestyle in his little apartment across the street from the scientologists.
Dazed and Confused - ★★½☆☆
In much the same way that I was better able to appreciate Swingers for having lived in LA, I can't help but think that I'm not appreciating this movie to the fullest by not having lived in the 70's. This is not a high school experience that I simply missed out on, this is a high school experience that no longer existed in any recognizable fashion 20-some years later, if it ever existed at all. I'm glad I finally saw this, but it's nostalgia for something completely alien to me.
To Live and Die in L.A. - ★★☆☆☆
More like To Live and Die in Long Beach.
A story of the Secret Service's worst agents, featuring an incredible-for-its-day car chase and honest-to-goodness character arcs, both of which have had their edge somewhat dulled by decades of CGI reproductions.
Cinderella - ★½☆☆☆
I don't really want to believe in 'boy movies' and 'girl movies,' but this one just wasn't for me. The storybook dialogue was too ridiculous, the story itself was too beat-for-beat exactly the way you know it, the choice to make references to the cartoon was almost as weird as the fact that they apparently recorded a lot of the songs and then didn't use them. Was this going to be a musical at some point?
I am glad they went all-in on sincerity, at least, but this felt like a movie based on a wikipedia summary of another movie.
It Follows - ★★★★★
I wanted to put that line from Death Proof here, "kind of cool, kind of sexy, kind of funny but definitely not funny looking" or however that goes.
I really think that a lot of the reviewers of and commenters on this movie are getting it wrong. The movie isn't saying that sex is bad, it's saying that growing up is tough.