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Written by Rob Schultz (human).

Filtering by Category: Life

#2,162: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Entourage - ★★½☆☆
This is a movie beyond reviews. What review could help it or hurt it? Who was going to this movie and then read a review and thought twice? This is the Power Rangers movie - slightly more expensive, slightly fancier titles, still just a big episode of the show, and like every episode of the show, consequence-free!

I liked that there's a scene shot on my street. On a Wednesday too, since the street fair thing is in the background.

Mad Max: Fury Road - ★★★★½
We go to the movies to hide from the world and ourselves. This wasn't quite as gleeful and exciting the second time around, but there's so much going by so quickly that I think I had more time to pick up on bits of dialogue and finer details.

Movie nerd websites seem to be abuzz with details of the making of the movie. Did you know there wasn't really a miles-wide sand-and-lightning storm on the set? I don't think I want any of that. There's a lot of information about how this movie was made in the movie.

Los Angeles Plays Itself - ★★★☆☆
This feels both dated and ahead of its time. This kind of video essay would be a whole YouTube channel today. It's amazing though, that someone managed to clear all the permissions for a good quality version of this to exist.

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl - ★★★★☆
Another fine high school movie this year. I'm always a sucker for the trope (?) of people remaking movies on the super cheap and creative, like in Home Movies or Be Kind Rewind. Sweet and great that a moment at the end that could've been a Big Reveal only reveals... that one character is a complex and interesting person.

I think I may have seen this with the editor in the room, or at least the editor's family, since there was a big cheer from the back of the theater when his credit went by.


#2,159: Tomorrowland

They Came Together - ★★½☆☆
I was not expecting an Airplane-style spoof of romantic comedies. There are a lot of jokes. More State-flavored than SNL, but less than I might have liked, with a dash of UCB.

A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night - ★★☆☆☆
I had more fun pondering what A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night In The Dark By Herself To The Far Side Of The World And Is Afraid To Ask Virginia Woolf While Drinking Her Juice In The Hood With The Coward Robert Ford was about and what it was trying to say than I did actually watching it. I also liked the parts with skateboarding.

Robocop (2014) - ★½☆☆☆
Science has made some real breakthroughs in the field of terrible Robocop movies.

I was hoping that things would be different enough in this outing to make direct comparisons to the original unnecessary, but it's like the original movie had been ripped to shreds, and just skeletal remains of its structure were somehow preserved and used as a core for the shiny plastic shell that makes up the bulk of this remake.

There are a lot of missteps here, but the biggest is undoubtedly not making Robocop the main character.

Tomorrowland - ★★★★½
This was delightful. I think it might even not be a horror film, and almost everything I've seen this year has been one of those. I worry that an extra minute or two of villain monologue is going to distract cynical critics from the hour and a half of wonder that got us to it.

Plus, it's fine that they cancelled that Bioshock movie. We don't need one of those anymore. This is that but better. It's even got all the things. This is the best one of those. Don't make the other thing.


#2,155: Max Max: Fury Road

Ip Man - ★★★☆☆
I always like a movie about someone who is good at what they do. And Ip Man does it with a big smile!

Ip Man 2 - ★★★☆☆
This movie is like Rocky 2, because it picks up just after part 1, but it's also like Rocky 3, because we have a crazy MMA-precusor bout between different fighting styles, but then it's also Rocky 4, because everything about Twister is Drago. And then, just for good measure, it's like Rocky 5 during that dumb pre-credits scene.

And for Mrs. Ip Man, this movie is like Jaws 2, because her character development has been undone for the sake of a second plot.

The Babadook - ★★☆☆☆
The first half of this movie had me. The slow burn build up, reminded me a little of The Exorcist. After a little while, I was even rooting for some kind of monster would show up to eat this pesky kid.

But his peskiness goes over some kind of line, from character to signal lantern. You can't help but feel it's being overplayed so that they can reverse you on him, and by the time he finally goes to sleep, the movie had lost me.

The second half is jammed full of so many Important Moments and Memorable Things and Clues that I never found any of it creepy again. I spent my time working out what the Big Message would be, as film beats the audience about the head and neck with it.

I guess I subscribe to the notion that there's nothing supernatural going on in this movie, just a sick, unreliable narrator.

Mad Max: Fury Road - ★★★★★
What really gets me about this is how deliberate everything is. This movie turned out great, but it could have been terrible and it would have been just as hard to make.

Watching the phalanx of crazy vehicles streaming towards the Fury Road itself to give chase, I could only hope that the people making new Star Wars movies care as much about them as George Miller and crew cared about making this.

12 Shiny Nickels

I will be appearing, at the last minute and at great expense, on 12 Shiny Nickels at the Westside Comedy Theater tonight. I have no doubt that I will see each and every reader of this site in the audience.