#1,985: Premium Rush
Movie Monday!
Blue Jasmine - ★★★☆☆
Kind of like Young Adult, ten or fifteen years on. I suspect this movie may have been a little funnier than it seemed.
Captain Phillips - ★★★½☆
Really wish I could have seen it without trailers and buzz and previews and everything that it got for months and months - felt like I'd already gotten the whole story in advance, but still more engrossing and generally better than I expected.
I think this was the first Greengrass movie I liked.
Don Jon - ★★☆☆☆
Don Jon is what a Kevin Smith movie would be if he had gone to a better, or maybe just more pretentious, school. Julianne Moore was good though.
Premium Rush - ★★★★☆
Mechanically, this works like Hurt Locker. Almost every scene is an exciting street chase.
It's neat how this movie could sustain so much chasing, in contrast to something like a Matrix or Bourne sequel and their boring chase set pieces. Maybe it's because it seems like a bike messenger could get hurt.