Nintendo E3 2015
This year's E3 experience was much less frenetic than last year's. The Treehouse Live booth, an improved version of my after-the-fact schematics from last year, is now run by Nintendo. So instead, I helped to produce some videos for their YouTube channel. In brief:
- The Star Fox Zero reaction video you see above,*
- The 360º booth tour video I posted the other day,*
- A Super Mario Maker reaction video,*
- A recap of the Nintendo World Championships 2015,**
- A recap of Nintendo's entire E3 experience,***
- A couple of fan videos made by a guy who turned up in several of our official videos.****
I'm really glad I got to work on some more stuff for Nintendo this year. Plus, I had a little more time to wander around the show floor (as evidenced by the Yoshiller videos). I haven't played a Star Fox game since the original, but of the demos I played on various systems it was the most fun game I got to try.
Of course the internet is always mad, but it really struck me this year how wide the gulf was between the angry, angry online opinion and the truth of actually being on the ground. This is a shot from just before the end of the last day of E3, when booths are turning to tumbleweeds:
* editor
** co-editor
*** assistant editor
**** dude playing game demos, then suddenly cameraman