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Written by Rob Schultz (human).

Filtering by Category: Life

Frequency Earth 108: Robotic Arms

Another one of our pipe dreams in creating this show was that in knowing we had all of electronic media history to play in, we could tune into the other shows our friends were making. We wanted to do a broadcast involving the characters of Doc Mock’s Movie Mausoleum, we traded a dozen emails with the pre-televised Birthday Boys, we made a few gentlemanly passes at the Alexes of Smug Rock Nation. The only one that didn’t turn into a smoldering hole in our production calendar was Diani & Devine, whose Wedding Witch graces episode 108.

Back to School is also an interesting segment because I had nothing to do with it, no input, I just heard it as a final piece in the show. I don’t think we can say that about anything else so far. Oh, except for all the Z-Rob. We once deep-sixed a Z-Rob segment for taking aim at one of our fans, who wrote in to say she didn’t appreciate all the Z-Rob.

Enough reminiscing about the past, let us reminisce of the future! Join us on 9/29 for our live taping at the Pack Theater! We’ll be giving you a preview of our new series, and an opportunity to be a part of the show!

Frequency Earth 107: 100 Days

This show came out of the idea to start a sketch group. I thought I’d get a group together, we’d write stuff, fight over it like you read about in retrospectives on famous sketch groups, and then record stuff. Maybe we could do it every week!

Turns out it’s super hard. After a bunch of failed meetings, I decided it would be faster to just write the whole show myself, and we’d cast performers we knew, who were much happier to lend us just an hour here and there to read words from a page. And with no regular cast we could work with all kinds of people!

So half a dozen episodes in, once we’d decided we were making a good show, and wouldn’t be wasting anyone’s time by involving them, we set our sights higher! I’d had a working relationship with Matts Besser and Walsh of the Upright Citizens Brigade, and both were extremely kind and game to be a part of the show.

Also, we spent years recording all of the pieces for KILL MORE HUMANS, and it’s my favorite in this episode that also features a scene by Asterios Kokkinos, Wondermark’s David Malki !, and YES Network reality star David Brand. Enjoy!

Frequency Earth 106 - Ship's Log

This week, The Jeff wonders how he can ever complete his mission, especially when there's not even a record of his travels. I always like when we get the chance to poke at accepted conventions a little bit. (One of my favorite examples, from episode 2: "Why would we have a trash compactor? To save room in space?") 

This is also about when the show starts getting a little bit longer, with more transmissions. In this episode, we have the Snake Gameshow, unique amongst our transmissions in that it is, so far, the only one transcribed from a dream; Journey to the Surface of the Earth guest-starring the delightful Mountain Man Academy; Round Pizza, a classic mapping scene; and a personal favorite, Lebling and Blank's Radio Circus. I love that one of the biggest acts in the days of radio was a ventriloquist act. I think if radio shows had been available in radio back then, flying lion tamers could have been the next big thing.

Join us on Internet, on Twitter if you're a tweeter, in iTunes and Google Play and, let me also announce here before anywhere else, at our second live show!

On Saturday, September 29 at 8pm (No, pistols at 8pm!), The Pack Theater in Hollywood, CA will host The Frequency Earth Season 2 Launch Party* (*Comedy Show). The show will be free and full of material from our upcoming season and other treats. No advance tickets necessary, just come along and join the jamboree!

Frequency Earth 105: Chili Cook-Off

This week we take a little break from our regular format as The Jeff is exposed to cosmic radiation, and of course, we finally announce the winner of the 5th 3rd annual Frequency Earth chili cook-off. 

In the transmissions, we have The Manchurian Directions, a piece written by Russell and featuring our own Nicola Clarke practicing her American accent. Also featured this week is Damned Man, a joke that's been floating around in my head since middle school, by way of old time radio. 

As always, share and enjoy! You'll find our show at our website, in Apple Podcasts, and new this week, on I Heart Radio

Frequency Earth 104: Star of Light

This week, we bring our first guest star into the ship, when the crew picks up a distress signal from an escape pod. 

In the transmissions, we have the terrific Alameda Sparks, a monologue delivered by Kenny Beck, and another audio concrete, The Rumor Mill. And Z-Rob.

Remember, the most fun you can have with a podcast is pressing the SUBSCRIBE button, so head on over to Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you go and click that button as hard as you can!